East Harbour - Redevelopment of Former Unilever Site in Toronto
HSAL was retained by First Gulf to manage the stakeholder engagement process and to facilitate community workshops to give area residents an opportunity to provide early input on the process, vision, and design considerations.

Repurposing Pickering
As part of a multi-disciplinary team working with Candesco and Deloitte on behalf of Ontario Power Generation (OPG), HSAL led the public consultation campaign for the repurposing of the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station lands in advance of the decommissioning process.

Erin Wastewater Servicing EA
HSAL is currently helping lead the Class EA process for the Town of Erin for the implementation of the first minucipal wastewater system for the town.

Scarborough Community Renewal Campaign
HSAL worked with The Rotary Clubs in Scarborough to lead a two-year Scarborough-wide economic and community development campaign that was initiated in 2014.

Simcoe County Greenlands Policies
HSAL assisted Simcoe County by facilitating a series of experts meetings in advance of an OMB hearing, regarding the Greenlands protection policies in the updated County Official Plan.

Port Hope Area Initiative
HSAL is currently leading a peer review team evaluating the clean-up of low-level radioactive waste and marginally contaminated soil on behalf of the Municipality of Port Hope.